
 Think about people you’ve met who gave you this vibe:

1. I have a lot of knowledge about things.
2. I learn a lot about interesting things.
3.  I watch clever, obscure movies only meant for intelligent people.
4.  My views are really interesting and unique.

All of this is actually fine until the motive of expressing the above becomes: “I am better than normal people”

Because by saying that “I am very interesting” we are basically accumulating self-worth from assuming you are superior to others.

It is normal to expect people to like you, but to rely on people to determine your self-worth comes at great risk.

What if one day you meet someone who is not impressed? What lengths will you go to impress them? Does your worth become zero in front of them? 

You’re depending on others to make you feel worthy carries the equal risk of others making you feel unworthy. Why don’t you give all that power to yourself?

Any thoughts on the above?


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